
As if there hasn’t been enough moving around this year I’ve decided to move blogs too.  Basically I wanted to change the title of my blog to more reflect the life we are moving toward but once a name is set, that’s it.  So I decided to set up a new blog.  The name I have chosen reflects the significant and life altering move we are about to make, a leap into the unknown, but one that has been desired and dreamed of for nearly a decade.

The initial idea to change my blog came a little while ago when it became apparent that we were no longer just talking but now in fact doing.  I began musing about making the change but set the idea aside as life got frantic.  More recently, as we approached closing on our land I thought about it again.  I was surprised by the resistance within myself and took some moments to wonder why?

I found a bundle of worries, what if no one comes to visit any more?  What if I lose all of the posts and connections that I’ve been writing about for the last 2 years?  Will it feel the same to blog in a new space?  Will I feel obliged to be different, to change the way I write and connect with others?  But mostly, I realised, that the anxiety I’m feeling about  this change is more to do with the big change that is coming, the real change as we move out of the suburbs and onto a 95 acre parcel of land.  As we build a home and move into a totally different way of living.  Then I thought if I can’t make this change, how on earth will I make that change?

So I’ve realised that by changing my blog I am making a statement to myself about my commitment to our future, to this dream that will take lots of energy and hard work to become a reality.  Energy I don’t know I have, skills and determination I am afraid won’t make themselves known to me.  But I have to try.

So here is my new blog 95 acres of sky. I will be sad to lay down my blogging bonnet but, as anyone who really knows anything about anything knows, those of us who have bonnets wear them on the inside, that way they can travel with us.

I hope you’ll visit me in my new blogging home and follow along as we take our first steps towards a new life.

9 thoughts on “Moving

  1. Hooray for changes! Sometimes a blogger outgrows her blog – we constantly evolve as we move through life. Blogging is no different.

    You are a wonderful writer – that won’t change. So worry not, your readers will follow you AND think of the exciting fact that new readers will discover you too.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Emma:

    So funny I spend all of last night converting my old blog posts to my web site. I hear you. I have had the web site up for close to 6 months now. I have added and deleted the blog capability and yesterday I thought – what are you afraid of? I did it. I have moved most of my old posts and am happy having everything all in one place. I have not permanently shut off the old one though… not quite ready to let go!
    Congrats on all the big moves – enjoy!

  3. Finally I have set aside some time to catch up – this is exciting and what seems to me, to be a natural transition.
    Once upon a time, I changed blogs too and gave birth to what you now know as tiny offerings…the way I see it, we are constantly evolving, ever changing, so rightfully, so should our blogs. It doesn’t feel that way initially, but think about it – our favorite jeans don’t get to be our favorite jeans, until we’ve worn them in a bit! Tonight I shall visit you at 95 acres of sky!
    Thanks for all of your recent encouragement – I am not the best at responding to comments…shame on me!

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